07 March 2008

Fauxstess Cupcakes

fauxstess cupcakes

This post is loooooong overdue. For our December potluck the theme was stuffed foods. I saw this as a great opportunity to make the Fauxstess Cupcakes from Vegan with a Vengance. They were a big hit at the potluck and a big hit with all my non-vegan friends.

Step 1: Make chocolate cupcakes
fauxstess cupcakes

Step 2: Stuff with fluffy white icing
fauxstess cupcakes

Step 3: Cover with chocolate ganache
fauxstess cupcakes

Step 4: Draw on icing squiggles
fauxstess cupcakes

Step 5: Enjoy!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love the blog...the cupcakes look really good!
